
Posts Tagged ‘baby’


A while ago I promised some more pictures of my children so I thought today I would make good on that promise. In our house, sometimes the three oldest (ages 5.5, 6.5, and 8 ) are called the “big” children, and our two younger (ages 2.5 and 1) are called the “babies”. Soon we will have another little one to add to the “baby” group! I can’t wait! Children are such a blessing. I love taking and keeping pictures, they are such a wonderful way to preserve our precious memories!


 Kory says, ” I know that I can win you over with my big blue eyes!” 

Kory gets into a little bit of mischief in the pantry. “But Mom, I want something to eat!”

Kassidy thinks playing outside in the snow with Daddy is fun! “See my snowball Mommy?”

“Awww…don’t I look sweet while I am sleeping? Just like I do when I am awake?”

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The Planned Parenthood organization is already an abomination to our society because of it’s blatant disregard for human life and God’s law, evidenced by the multiple abortions (murders) committed by them every day. This alone, displays the evil influences at work within their ranks, but unfortunately there is more. Aiding and abetting criminals in their pursuits of sexual abuse and assault can now be added to the list. Planned Parenthood’s sickening legacy continues to be revealed, and I hope and pray that more and more people will be able to see their agenda for what it truly is: destruction and hatred. You can read more below.

This news article can be found here:


The story follows:

Abortionists to surrender records of child rape?
Court reviews Planned Parenthood’s extensive ‘cover-up’ of sexual abuse

Posted: May 20, 2008
9:34 pm Eastern

© 2008 WorldNetDaily

Planned Parenthood clinic in Cincinnati, Ohio

Amid fierce accusations that Planned Parenthood has systematically concealed cases of statutory rape and sexual abuse from authorities, the organization may be required hand over revealing patient records in a precedent-setting case.

Ohio clinic staff are said to have deliberately concealed the statutory rape of a 14-year-old girl abused by her school’s soccer coach. The trainer, age 21, drove the pregnant girl to the Cincinnati abortion clinic after he discovered she was carrying his child.

According to the Alliance Defense Fund, the ADF filed a friend-of-the-court brief with the Ohio Supreme Court Monday. The organization claim the abortion provider frequently fails to notify authorities when underage children have been sexually abused.

“The health and safety of young girls trumps Planned Parenthood’s desire for secrecy,” ADF Senior Legal Counsel Jeff Shafer said. “Ohio law mandates that Planned Parenthood report the sexual abuse of minors, and evidence that may reveal the organization’s violation of that legal obligation may not be hidden.”

ADF is asking the Ohio court to reverse an earlier appellate court decision preventing the girl and her parents from having access to clinic records that may indicate routine cover-up of statutory rape and other sexual abuse.

The child’s parents sued Planned Parenthood when they learned staff performed an abortion on their daughter at the request of her soccer coach without contacting authorities, a requirement in cases of statutory rape. Neither the clinic nor the coach informed the girl’s parents of her abortion or sexual activity.

ADF filed the lawsuit to collect clinic documents that could reveal a history of illegal statutory rape cover-up. A judge ordered Planned Parenthood to release specific records; however, the abortion provider appealed the original decision, and an Ohio appellate court ruled in favor of the clinic. The case is now being heard by the Ohio Supreme Court.

“Planned Parenthood is not above the law,” ADF-allied attorney David Langdon said. “Planned Parenthood is attempting to hide behind inapplicable physician-patient privilege in an apparent effort to protect itself.”

The case is just one more of a series of incidents involving Planned Parenthood’s failure to report adult sex with minors and underage pregnancies.

As WND reported earlier, a lawsuit was filed in Warren County, Ohio, against Planned Parenthood, alleging the facility provided an abortion to a teenage girl after a father sought the procedure to cover up his sexual abuse of the teen.

Dana Cody, a lawyer who filed the action on behalf of the girl, said rather than report the abuse, as required under state law, “Planned Parenthood went ahead and was complicit with the abortion.”

The abuse continued for another 18 months before it was reported by a basketball coach, and the father eventually was convicted of sexual assault.

In a separate case, a pro-life organization in Waco, Texas, called for an explanation of a large discrepancy between statistics regarding statutory rape cases Planned Parenthood said it reported and the number of cases actually documented by law enforcement or other authorities.

Despite prevalent criticism for performing abortions on underage girls and shielding statutory rapists by not reporting them to authorities, Planned Parenthood has continued the practice, with many new cases of underage girls, according to investigations of violations of state criminal reporting laws. Under Title X funding, through which many clinics gain a significant amount of revenue, the abortion provider has reportedly put itself at risk of losing funding for refusing to follow state laws – including reporting laws.


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When I think of Mother’s Day, it brings to my mind happy thoughts of the memories I have shared with with the Mothers and Grandmothers in my family. It brings to my mind images of the special moments I have had as a Mother myself, with my own children. It brings to my mind pictures of newborn babies, children’s songs, and books read snuggling close together on the couch.

Apparently, it brings something else to the minds of the people at Planned Parenthood. Unbelieveably, they see Mother’s Day as the perfect opportunity to fund-raise for their organization. You know, raise money to squelch family growth and to pay for the murder of innocent babies. Do you think that is a bit of a stretch? Do you even have a hard time believing that they could come up with the nerve to use the day set aside to honor motherhood for their evil practices? Please, read more below, it is eye-opening to be certain.

This article can be found here:


The story follows:
Abortionists use Mother’s Day for fundraising
‘You have to admire the utter chutzpah of the people at Planned Parenthood’

Posted: May 10, 2008
12:30 am Eastern

© 2008 WorldNetDaily

Planned Parenthood, the U.S. abortion industry’s biggest presence, is using Mother’s Day to promote its conferences and raise funds, triggering a jaw-dropping reaction among those who battle its agenda.

“You have to admire the utter chutzpah of the people at Planned Parenthood,” said statement on the American Life League website, which has a specific STOPP program to reveal Planned Parenthood’s activities.

“You would think that of all the holidays of the year, this organization that kills the babies of more than 255,000 mothers a year, would find little to celebrate on Mother’s Day. But you would be wrong,” the group said.

The organization said it had received e-mails from several Planned Parenthood corporate divisions “asking for donations to Planned Parenthood in honor of mothers on Mother’s Day. Planned Parenthood of Metropolitan Washington, D.C., brazenly says:”

“You can show your appreciation for your mother’s love and devotion by making a gift in honor or in memory of her to Planned Parenthood of Metropolitan Washington. Mother’s Day is one day we can honor the women who have shaped our lives. … Making a gift to PPMW helps generations of women, mothers, grandmothers, sisters, aunts, nieces, and daughters…”
ALL noted the New York City office has written:

“With Mother’s Day just around the corner … you’re probably thinking about how to show the special women in your life how much you love and appreciate them. Well, we’ve got a great idea for you! Why not honor the special women in your life by taking one simple action to help empower women all around the world? It’s easy – click here to join us in urging Congress to increase funding for international family planning programs…”
LifeNews.com reported on another from Cecile Richards, president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America. Richards shared part of an editorial her daughter wrote saying she got her pro-abortion views from her mother and grandmother, former Texas Gov. Ann Richards.

“It’s true that I have had lots of rewarding moments in my career. So did my mother,” Cecile wrote, according to LifeNews. “But knowing that my daughter is carrying on the legacy of fighting that my mother passed to me trumps ’em all.”
Part of a promotional message from Cecile Richards of Planned Parenthood, seeking donations to the abortion industry leader on Mother’s Day
It took her all of three paragraphs to ask for money.

That fund-raiser has been posted on the website of Jill Stanek, who also serves as a columnist for WND.

“As Mother’s Day approaches, I am grateful for the opportunity to make a difference and hope you’ll join me,” Richards wrote.

“These pro-abort lunatics from Planned Parenthood are really out of their minds. Let me see if I’ve got this … we should ‘celebrate’ mother’s day by aborting (killing) babies?” wrote a blogger at A Catholic View.

“This pathetic woman is so psychologically and emotionally invested in abortion she has no semblance of conscience left,” Stanek wrote. “If and when she has grandchildren, I’m sure she’ll use them too.”

She called the “Happy Mother’s Day” greetings as “grotesque” as the organization’s much-criticized “Choice on Earth” campaign at Christmas.

The American Life League said it has a response.

“We encourage all of our readers to take action and call attention to this latest outrage by Planned Parenthood. Write a letter to the editor. Or demonstrate outside Planned Parenthood…” the group said.

At Silent No More Awareness Campaign, a campaign of Priests for Life and Anglicans for Life, spokeswoman Janet Morana said the solitications are “beyond appalling.”

“This is an organization that has turned Mother’s Day into a painful reminder of terminated children for millions and millions of women. To ask for money on this day so that it can traumatize even more women is the ultimate in insensitivity,” she said.

The Planned Parenthood corporate branch for North and South Dakota and Minnesota was using a different angle, promoting its “Making the Connections” conference on Mother’s Day weekend at a charge of $90.

It’s promoted as a retreat “where mothers and their 10-12 year old daughters have tons of fun together while learning about puberty changes…”

Judie Brown, president of American Life League, said the solicitations have a morbid message.

“It’s simply horrifying to think that anyone involved in abortion – even Planned Parenthood – could have the audacity to claim any association at all with a day designed to salute a mother’s selfless love for her children,” she said.

She cited the words of Jatrice Gaiter, the Washington PP chief, urging supporters to support her business, which is “to ensure that every child is wanted, nurtured, and enormously loved.”

“Can Planned Parenthood be serious?” Brown asked. “Ms. Gaiter’s words have a ghastly ring to them. How is it that a beautiful baby, which she describes as ‘nurtured and enormously loved,’ can be violently put to death in the offices that she overseas…”


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Well, for all of you mother’s out there, I hope that you had a lovely Mother’s Day on Sunday! We had a nice weekend here, it is always good to spend time together as a family. I am sure that many of you have heard about the Jim-Bob and Michelle Duggar family. Well, here is a nice article with some good news that they have to share! Enjoy, and remember that the job you do, raising your little ones for the Lord is a worthy one, with an eternal return!

The source for this article can be found here:


The story follow below:

Happy Mother’s Day: Woman pregnant with 18th child

By JILL ZEMAN, Associated Press Writer
Fri May 9, 5:25 PM ET
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. – It’s a happy Mother’s Day for an Arkansas woman — she’s pregnant with her 18th child. Michelle Duggar, 41, is due on New Year’s Day, and the latest addition will join seven sisters and 10 brothers. There are two sets of twins.
“We’ve had three in January, three in December. Those two months are a busy time for us,” she said, laughing.

The Duggars’ oldest child, Josh, is 20, and the youngest, Jennifer, is nine months old.

The fast-growing family lives in Tontitown in northwest Arkansas in a 7,000-square-foot home. All the children — whose names start with the letter J — are home-schooled.

Duggar has been been pregnant for more than 11 years of her life, and the family is in the process of filming another series for Discovery Health.

The new show looks at life inside the Duggar home, where chores — or “jurisdictions” — are assigned to each child. One episode of the new show involves a “jurisdiction swap,” where the boys do chores traditionally assigned to the girls, and vice versa, Duggar said.

“The girls swapped jurisdictions, changing tires, working in the garages, mowing the grass,” she said. “The boys got to cook supper from start to finish, clean the bathrooms,” among other chores.

Duggar said she’s six weeks along and the pregnancy is going well. She and her husband, Jim Bob Duggar, said they’ll keep having children as long as God wills it.

“The success in a family is first off, a love for God, and secondly, treating each other like you want to be treated,” Jim Bob Duggar said. “Our goal is for each one of our children to be best friends, and everybody working together to serve each other makes that happen.”

The other Duggar children, in between Joshua and Jennifer, are Jana, 18; John-David, 18; Jill, 16; Jessa, 15; Jinger, 14; Joseph, 13; Josiah, 11; Joy-Anna, 10; Jeremiah, 9; Jedidiah, 9; Jason, 7; James, 6; Justin, 5; Jackson, 3; and Johannah, 2.








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Here are some pictures of my little ones having fun together. It is great to always have a friend available to play with! These are older pictures from back before our youngest was born, so they are only of our oldest 4. When I transfer more pictures over to this computer I will post some more pictures of all 5 of them together.
Kaitlyn, Kyle, and Kassidy hanging out in the tree-house.
Kyle and Kassidy having some park fun.
Kaitlyn, Kyle, and Kourtney in the weather exhibit at the Children’s Museum.
Kaitlyn, Kyle, and Kourtney playing in the pioneer gallery of the Children’s Museum.
Kaitlyn, Kyle, and Kourtney having an indoor picnic together for their snack.
Kaitlyn, Kyle, and Kourtney enjoy the butterfly garden at the zoo.
Kaitlyn, Kyle, Kourtney, and Kassidy are all ready for a nice summer walk!

Kourtney gives Kyle a helpful push in the swing.

Kyle and Kassidy blasting off to space in a rocket!

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My last entry was a picture of all 5 of our children sitting together smiling on our couch, with words describing that it is possible for brothers and sisters to be friends-best friends in fact. A new reader, Jana, asked me how to make siblings friends and said that she is facing sibling rivalry at the moment. So, I decided to respond to this question in a new entry. Now, before I begin, please know that things are not perfect around here. We still deal with the typical day-to-day interactions just like everyone else does, some pleasant and some not. But I like to think that we have been able to foster an attitude in our children to regard one another much differently than they are encouraged to in society and culture these days. So, here are some things that have worked for us.

  •  We have spoken to each child about their siblings from an early age-when they were still babies. From the very beginning, we have told them that their brothers and sisters will be their best friends. Simply verbalizing this really does make a difference. It is so different from what they many times here from other children. It flies directly in the face of the usual “I HATE my little brother”.Or, “My sister is SUCH a pest”.  For us, it is not just, Mommy is having a new baby. It is, Mommy is having a new play-mate. Mommy is having a new friend to join in the fun when he/she is old enough to. The older children are encouraged to be involved in each new little one’s life from the start. They are not disappointed either. It goes from a baby who adores them, to a toddler who adores them, to children who have only grown up knowing a deep and profound love for each other. Now THAT is a bond!
  • We teach a servant’s heart. This can be revealed even in the small things, like sharing. It is not always easy, especially in the beginning, but the older children almost always think of how they can share something with each other before indulging. Perhaps they are given a treat by someone. You are more likely to see them deliberating over how to break a candy bar up into the appropriate number of pieces so everyone gets some, than fighting over it. My two oldest children participate in Bible Quizzing. This year, the leadership gave each child a piece of candy for every Bible Verse they memorized. Both of them deliberately selected some candy that they enjoy, and some special pieces that they knew the younger children would like. I did not ask them to do this. It brings them joy to do so.
  • We practice the “buddy system” around here. This couples well with developing a servant’s heart. We pair an older child with a younger to be special buddies. Not to the exclusion of others, just to foster a special relationship. Mom and Dad are the authority figures, but an older buddy helps a younger when possible. Maybe helping with getting shoes on/off, filling a sippy cup, looking out for them when playing. Just yesterday, we went to a park to have a picnic lunch after Church. My oldest child was following our one year old around while he explored. She is deathly afraid of bees and a couple of bumblebees started buzzing around in their area. Well, she started to cry, but she stayed right with the little one until I got there to “rescue” them. To me, that kind of commitment is a big deal for an 8 year-old, and we made sure that her selfless love did not go un-noticed. All of our children learned a lesson from that incident.
  • We tend to limit peer influence. Our children play with other children. Our children make friends with them as well. We think that this is good and important. However, we keep it on our terms. One thing we NEVER allow is for peer friendship to usurp our authority or to trump a sibling relationship. None of this, “Let’s go over here to get away from your sister so we don’t have to include her” kind of thing. Some people think that kind of singular relationship is necessary, we do not. If we do not allow it now, it is a lot less likely to become a problem in the future.
  • We encourage the children to share interests. We all have things that excite us or that we like to do. Those things are not always the same as what others like. Knowing this, we try to help the children share interests. A simple example. One of our children adores frogs. All things frogs, especially tree frogs. Who knows why. She just does. Her brothers and sisters go out of their way to find books, stuffed animals, pictures, you name it, for her, about frogs. They don’t care about frogs that much. It is enough that it brings her such happiness. We all want to feel special. Making others feel special is a fast-track to a great relationship.
  • We want our children to encourage each other. I mentioned earlier that my two oldest are in Bible Quizzing. This is a competition based program, and this year was the second year of participation for my oldest, and the first for my second-born. At their first quiz of the year, my second-oldest did better than the oldest, even though it was his very first quiz. I did not know how that would play out, but I was happy to see my oldest jumping up and down cheering for her brother for his achievement, even when it took the spotlight away from her.
  • We expect more from an apology than just saying “Sorry”. Around here, if you offend or hurt another, you must apologize, identify what you did wrong, and ask how you can make it better. This may simply mean a hug or pat on the back. Or it may mean, some special time is needed to re-build connection, like playing a game of the offended’s choice or helping with a chore. The words “I’m sorry” mean nothing if they are just empty, solitary words. Apologies and writing wrongs can be surprisingly good relationship builders. Especially if the one in the wrong can put themself in the place of the one who was hurt. Great lessons learned to carry throughout life!

These are a few examples of things that we do that I think make a difference in the relationships our children have with one another. The fact that we homeschool is an added benefit because they get a lot more time to practice what we teach them, being together pretty much 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I want our children to have lasting memories of a happy home life filled with a safety net of people who care. Brothers and sisters are an important part of this!

For more information and some great practical advice, I recomment checking out the book “Making Brothers and Sisters Best Friends” by Sarah, Stephen and Grace Mally. It is a book you can read-aloud with your children and show them a clear vision of what you want their relationship with each other to be! You can find out more about this book here: http://www.visionforum.com/search/productdetail.aspx?search=mally&productid=83524 . It is well worth a look!


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My sweeties smiling for the camera!

 Here are my sweeties smiling for the camera! Teach your children that their siblings are their best friends and they will believe you! Seeing my children playing and working together happily fills my heart with joy. This Fall, there will be another little boy added to our crew. I think we are going to have to get a longer couch soon! I love being at home with my children! And we all love it when Daddy comes home to join us at the end of the day!

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Lately here on my blog,  I have been addressing some important but heavy topics. So, I think it is time for a more light-hearted, albeit equally important entry. Fresh from our recent local Home Education Convention and lots of research, we have now determined what curriculum we will be using for our 2008-2009 school year. It is always exciting to have these plans in place, and look forward to starting another year of learning! So, for those who are interested, here is our upcoming plan:

Kaitlyn will be in the 3rd grade. Her curriculum will consist of:

  • My Father’s World: Creation to the Greeks
  • Math-U-See:Alpha
  • Serl’s Primary Language Lessons #83-164
  • Spelling by Sound and Structure:Grade 3 (Rod and Staff)
  • MFW Cursive Handwriting Package

Her extra-curricular activities planned thus far will include:

  • Bible Quizzing: Exodus
  • Caravan’s Christian “Scouting” Program
  • 4-H

Kyle will be in the 2nd Grade. His curriculum will consist of:

  • My Father’s World: Creation to the Greeks
  • Math-U-See: Alpha
  • Serl’s Primary Language Lessons #1-82
  • Spelling By Sound and Structure:Grade 2 (Rod and Staff)

His extra-curricular activities planned thus far will include:

  • Bible Quizzing: Exodus
  • Caravan’s Christian “Scouting” Program
  • mini-4-H

Kourtney will be in the 1st Grade. Her curriculum will consist of:

  • My Father’s World: 1st Grade Program
  • Saxon Primary Level Manipulatives supplemented w/ worksheets
  • Sing, Spell, Read, and Write Readers, Eclectic Readers, Pathway Readers, Abeka Readers

Her extra-curricular activities planned thus far will include:

  • Bible Quizzing: Exodus
  • Caravan’s Christian “Scouting” Program
  • mini-4-H

Kassidy will be 3 years old. I will probably do some pre-K work with her in the 2nd Semester. If so, we will use the following curriculum:

  • Sing, Spell, Read, and Write Pre-school Program
  • Read-Alouds with older children, music/art with older children
  • Puzzles, games, various learning manipulatives

Kory will be 1 1/2, and the new baby is expected to be born in late August, so we will be busy and times will be exciting! We always throw in several family field-trips to keep things fun and captivating.  It looks like it will shape up to be a great year!

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Professionals and lay-people have been going around and around about a possible link between getting vaccinations and the potential for developing autism. This has resulted in difficulty for parents trying to determine what is in the best interest of their children.

 My husband and I have found enough compelling evidence to not allow our children to be vaccinated at all, based upon our extensive research. For us the cons heavily outweigh the pros. If you are currently undecided,  than I hope the following information will help you to figure out how you wish to protect your children and their health.  If you are decidedly pro-vaccination, this may cause you to reconsider your position. Or at least reconsider the ridiculous schedule/program currently recommended for shots, which includes multiple doses being given combined or at the same time. Your children are depending upon you!

                Head of CDC Admits on CNN that Vaccines can Trigger Autism


Recently Julie Gerberding, the head of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), appeared on Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s show House Call and explained that vaccines can trigger autism in a vulnerable subset of children. This is the claim that many parents have been making since at least the 1980s, and they have been dismissed and even mocked for making it.

Related information can be found at the following location:
The article follows below:

The U.S. government has now gone on the record saying that childhood vaccines can contribute to the symptoms of autism. They have then backtracked and stated that there is no association.
So which is it?
Well, by the time your child starts school he or she will have received more than 36 injections, including four doses each of vaccines for Hemophilus influenzae type b infections, diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis — all of them given during the first 12 months of life.


And by then it may be too late for the CDC to make up their mind about whether or not vaccines can be dangerous.

In 1976, children received 10 vaccines before attending school, and in the early 1980s, the incidence of autism was 1 in 10,000 births. Today it is 1 in 150 births and still climbing.

Is there a connection between autism and vaccines? I’d say so. And a pretty obvious one at that. If you are interested in the science behind this connection, Dr. Russell Blaylock has written an excellent paper that provides a connection between excessive vaccination and neurodevelopmental disorders like autism that is definitely worth reading.

The Blame Game

It seems clear from watching the CNN video with Dr. Julie Gerberding, the CDC’s director, that they are looking to put the blame for rising autism rates on anything other than their overzealous vaccination schedule.

While they have admitted that vaccines can trigger autism, Dr. Gerberding is quick to say that it’s only in children with a “rare” mitochondrial disorder. Referring to the landmark Hannah Poling case, Dr. Gerberding claimed that Hannah’s case was a rare incident with little relevance to the other autism cases pending in the federal “vaccine court.”

Since then, however, Dr. Gerberding and other CDC officials were made aware of a Portuguese study reporting that 7.2 percent of children with autism had confirmed mitochondrial disorders. Some now estimate the rate of mitochondrial dysfunction in autism to be 20 percent or more, and the rate among children with the regressive sub-type of autism is likely even higher.

If mitochondrial dysfunction can convert into autism in large numbers, then the connection between vaccines and autism could clearly be quite strong.

So much so that the CDC acknowledged they are aware of this situation and are “immediately taking measures to address the current national vaccine schedule.”

Yet, Dr. Gerberding made no mention of this on CNN.

She also did not mention that the current vaccination schedule has never been proven to be safe.
Health officials consider a vaccine to be safe if no bad reactions — like seizures, intestinal obstruction or anaphylaxis — occur acutely. The CDC has not done any studies to assess the long-term effects of its immunization schedule.

So no one knows whether injecting children with 14 vaccines in their first 24 months of life, plus the meningococcal vaccine, which is to be administered between the age of 2 and 6, is enough to overwhelm their systems and lead to neurological and immune system disorders. They don’t know, yet they are very adamant about keeping your children on this schedule — and they make anyone who dares to question their logic out to be a quack.

Yet here’s something to chew on. One vaccine injected into a 13-pound, 2-month-old infant is equivalent to 10 doses of the same in a 130-pound adult.

This is an assault on your child’s nervous system and immune system, neither of which is fully developed. It’s no wonder, then, according to Dr. Russell Blaylock, that multiple vaccines given close together over-stimulate your brain’s immune system and, via the mechanism of “bystander injury,” destroy brain cells.
What else wasn’t mentioned in the interview?

Oh yes, that members of the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) — the one that promulgates a self-serving, one-size-fits-all vaccine policy — are known to have ties to vaccine makers. And their compulsory vaccination schedule, that’s required of nearly every U.S. child who is entering public school, has made many of these vaccine makers rich beyond their wildest imaginations.

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My cleaning campaign is still in progress and seems to be going well. I was able to finish the downstairs level yesterday like I had hoped, so that is encouraging. So now today I head upstairs to see what I can get done. I would like to get the master bedroom and the playroom done, and the bookshelf I have in the hallway with children’s books on it re-organized as well.

 Yes, I have a bookshelf in the hallway upstairs and I know that may seem strange. But it is strategically located next to the children’s bedrooms where they can get books to read whenever they like. You know, in case the tons of books they already have in their rooms is not enough. I am a big believer in reading for enjoyment, and I can think of no better way to foster the love for reading in my children than to surround them with books and more books. My one year old even loves his little board books so I think my system is working.

I also hope to get everything done in my oldest three children’s room that they share, but the bulk of that work falls to them. I am only needed for the maintenance type issues, and storage solutions. After all, they are 5,6, and 7…certainly old enough to take care of their own belongings! They will have their own homes to care for one day, and a strong work ethic benefits everyone. In fact, that is a rare find in children these days it seems. My two year old and one year old’s rooms are already organized so a little bit of normal maintenance is all that they need. My two year old likes to straighten her room. To her it is fun to clean alongside Mommy!

Which brings us to the last room to be done. The nightmare laundry room. That one I am saving for Thursday after I have everything else behind me. It will be a big job since this hits at the changing of seasons so I will be switching out clothes for all 7 of us, plus re-organizing storage of the outgrown baby clothes so that they are all ready for the new baby, in addition to the cleaning.  It is nice to be this far into the process because I can see my schedule coming together towards completion. It won’t be too long before I move the one year old in with the two year old to share a room, and then prepare the nursery for the new baby arrival! It should be an easy transition since I will have all of this organization already done. Around here we are always delighted to make room and re-organize for new child blessings from the Lord. They are each such a gift!

When everything is in it’s place, everything runs much smoother. And we have more time to enjoy each other and the hopefully soon forthcoming warm Spring weather!

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